Posted on 4/5/2020
Tags: Tools, Brain Hacking
A natural extension of Downloading Text Into Your Brain is to consume audio and video more efficiently.

I do this by speeding up playback to be anywhere between 1.2x and 2x faster. Another useful trick is to skip ahead (past ads, uninteresting segments). I like to skip ahead by 30 seconds and skip back by 10 seconds (to rewind after skipping too far forward).

Some examples where I'll use this technique:

- To watch a technical talk that's important but not interesting

- To watch things that are enjoyable but not quite worth their time tradeoff. For me, this applies to YouTube channels that are funny but too slow-paced. And ones that have too much uninteresting filler.

- To listen to podcasts which are also often too slow-paced

- To skip past ads and sponsored content

- To fast-foward through the credits in case there's a post-credits scene

Not all content consumption is about efficiency, of course!

Sometimes I want to savor every moment. For example, I won't speed up a TV show like Westworld which is dense with references, foreshadowing; which is made to be beautiful and thought-provoking.

I've built my own tools for doing this which I won't be sharing today. But you don't need my tools to get started! There's a useful bookmarklet called yuptude. There's more info on that website. In case it goes down some day, here's the raw bookmarklet: