This is a bubble-bobblish platformer game for 1 or 2 player.
Mist and Grim must travel through the 22 levels and defeat the overlord.
Player 2 can join anytime during game. Players share lives pool but not score.
I had no chance to test the 2 player mode so please notify me if unexpected things happens.
<arrows keys> move left and right
<z> jump
<x> fire or grab/throws stunned monster
<SDEF> move left and right
<TAB> jump
<Q> fire or grab/throws stunned monster
--- PREVIEW ---

--- VERSIONS ---
- bugfix : fixed the h=nil error
- bugfix : fixed a display bug on gameover fade
- bugfix : no more freeze with cornucopia after coconut spawn
- bugfix : overlord is now moving correctly
- bugfix : on 2 players game, the level is now skipped correctly even if one of them is dead.

Looks, sounds and plays just as tight as (if not tighter than) the games that inspired you. If I didn't know better I could easily have mistaken this for an actual Taito arcade game.
Amazing job, it feels extremely well designed and everything about it shows that you put a lot of love and care into it.

awesome game! Thank you for making it!

This is a ton of fun, well done as usual.
I opened it up and looked at your sprite sheet and map and just see a lot of things that make no sense to why there are a bunch of seemingly random sprites that look like level designs and stuff? And why the level maps have certain sprites in them that don't appear during play?
I know I have the code already but I don't even know what to look for to know how to dissect it. Maybe not the best for this thread, but if you could share some insight as to how you use all that to build a game, I'm sure we'd all appreciate it :)

Amazing, beautiful, superfun!
I found one bug playing 2-player: after one player dies with no lives remaining, the level does not advance once the surviving player completes it. It happens if either P1 or P2 die first.
@morningtoast: The second half of the spritesheet and the bottom half of the map are actually the same cartridge data, so if you edit one, you'll see a weird view into the same data from the other.

This game is awesome! It's fun, challenging, addictive, beautiful and brilliantly designed. Congratulations on an excellent game :)
I designed box art for the game in the old school Nintendo black box style. I will probably make a few changes, but you can view the large version here:
I will probably make a YouTube tutorial to teach others how to make one in GIMP (a free, open source, cross platform photo editor) if people are interested.

daang this is good.
That music sounds very it based on the music from Jelpi? or am I crazy? :) Anyway, it works really well.

It would be cool if the box art could be generated using sprites from the cart. User uploads or chooses cart and then chooses or customises a layout template. @colecobug

hahaha I've died so so much because I was distracted trying to get the right letters something nailed me. Either because I was standing around trying shoot a letter into the one I wanted or I blindly leaped into death charging after a letter that was disappearing

this is such a great game and I'm am so garbage at it

@colecobug: or has anyone catalogued/mapped out all the hidden bonuses and all? There's various things you do per level that causes stuff to pop up out of nowhere.
Have to agree with everyone, this is a great game. This is on the level of paying money to play back in the late 80s in an arcade.

The keyboard layout constricting me to play it with a second player.
you need to stack hands to reach the keys.
some alternative keys would be awesome. like "o" and "p" instead of x,y
(the german layout has y and z swaped.)
but the game is amazing!

@Vectorguy Thanks, yes it is a key.
Does the key take you to a random level, or jump you a head a set number of levels? I was never sure.

^Not sure either. Anyone?
Also, there's hidden bonuses all over the place. Just a generic statement to put into your guide for now (like "try to find them!"). There's certain places per level where you jump or something and bonus fruit and the like will suddenly pop up. I can't promise anything but I might try to find one or more of them, make a note of them and make sure they work before passing them off as "legit". I'm sure it'd take a while to map them all out!

(Spoilers) OK, so if you spell:
EXTEND - all enemies on the screen die, and you receive an extra life
MYSTIC - all the enemies on the screen die, and you are warped ahead several levels (maybe 5 or so). The first letter "T" will go to EXTEND. The second will be added to MYSTIC.
The KEY will take you to the second last level. If you beat that level, you then have to fight the boss that you see on the title screen. The final level looks exactly like the title screen.

@colecobug good job on the guide!
though the doom collars duration is long enough to wait for the ghost to appear and then kill it by touching . I've never had it run out doing this either. You can also kill the ghost with the earrings or the match.

Finally I beat that game!!!! 19740Points
That flowers ;D Thanks very nice. every espect you rly are an awesome coder and designer.
only thing I didn't like was placing stunned units back on the ground after picked them up. That doesn't have any purpose and might be a bug.
anyway Thanks!!!

This is an amazing example of what Pico-8 can do!

Hey! this game is my favorite PICO-8 game and my biggest inspiration of using it! I made a remix of the main theme if that's alright! Here it is:

Seeing this for the first time. What I REALLY like is the credits screen showing the points for everything. Wow ! That is some serious dedication to polishing a pearl ! Absolutely beautiful !
The game itself ? Ahh, my reaction time isn't so good. :)

@Retrofan you can use C/V instead. nothing to do with mistigri, this is a pico8 issue. inputs are a mess. also people keep calling the 2 buttons whatever the fuck they like. so for now your best bet is to remap o/x or z/x or even a/b to c/v in your head. (and x/c or x/y to v/b for that matter).
plus we're still waiting for gamepad support in the web player.
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