WASD/Arrows to move
X Interact/Shoot
Z Move faster (unlockable)
How to play
You wake up in the middle of a spooky town trying to find your way back home. Help the citizens of this weird town and they will open paths for you.
The streets are swarming with spirits and if you let them, they will take you away. Shoot them down with your mysterious powers and win candy in return.
Spend your candy on vending machines across the town, and grow in power. Make sure to find them all as the night progresses, the spirits become spookier.
We appreciate your feedback.
-Thanks for playing
Source Code
WIP thread version which includes a guide
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Wow this is awesome! I wish I could save the game in between plays but still I love it.

@summertimealice The game is saved when you unlock something or go to a vending machine, and you will re spawn on the last vending machine you visited.

I haven't played a whole lot, but what I did play was cute and really nicely put together. One thing in combat, however. I personally found I could just keep my character (tomato?) stationary and just shoot rapidly to win. Never got hit; never lost a fight.

This reminds of undertale but has a different and amazing battle mechanic. I love the invaders like battles and i love the game. I think if a little variety was added to the battle and enemies dont respawn after re entering a room i think this could be a full game. This game could really go places though make sure you dont get attacked by the undertale fan base because i could see them calling this a copy of it but i think it isn’t. Keep working on this i loved this gam

@ChristopherD Game gets a little harder the more you progress on the game but hiding in the corner and shooting is a valid strategy.
@freds72 We wanted to make the battles more dynamic but ran out of tokens :(
@mr.panda <3 thanks for playing I think we won't add any more features as we already spent a lot of time on this tiny project and ran out of tokens but happy how it turned out :)

@arlefreak I wasn't in the corner. Just dead center, right where I spawned. But I'll take your word that it gets harder later.

I love this one, still not finished. Perfect game to play on my Retro flag GPI Case 😁 it just feels nice.
I realky love the music and the blend effetct between to stages (i. e. fight and map).
Also the fight mechanic, i gues you were influenced by another classic game for that one? But I love how you implemented it!

seriously one of the best! I got lost so many times but eventually always figured it out haha

I would love to know how to make those Beautiful transissions and stunning gameplay But alas I am just a mear mortal
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